Therapy San Diego 101: How to deal with change?
Therapy General Rina Schul Therapy General Rina Schul

Change, desirable or not, can make you feel disoriented, outside the bounds of your competency, and grieving the good that was lost. What might help you deal with the consequences of change? What might help you attain a new sense of equilibrium?

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    Therapy San Diego 101: Is talking with a therapist different than talking with a friend?
Therapy General Rina Schul Therapy General Rina Schul

Unless you’ve taken a part in it, you may feel that psychotherapy is one of the least understood professions: Two people meet regularly to talk and “magic happens.” How is that talk different than a talk you might have with a friend? What sets the two relationships apart and gives psychotherapy an edge in its healing power?

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    Therapy San Diego 101: Questions to ask a therapist in San Diego, CA     
Therapy General Rina Schul Therapy General Rina Schul

San Diego is buzzing with activities, and you yourself are busy moving through life tasks day in and day out. You’ve realized that you need support and help and that you can’t put it off anymore: It is time to enroll in therapy! You’ve identified what you want to work on and marked some of the characteristics of the San Diego therapist who might be a good match for you (see here). You’ve looked through one or more search engines and now have a short list with several potential therapists that you’re ready to reach out to. BUT you are not sure how to select the perfect therapist for you among them. I am here to help you with that! I generated a list of questions that you can use when talking with a therapist for the first time.

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    Therapy San Diego 101: How to find a therapist in San Diego, CA?
Therapy General Rina Schul Therapy General Rina Schul

Every now and then I hear that just 30 to 40 years ago, living in San Diego used to be much more “manageable.” With its gorgeous beaches, only a handful of growing neighborhoods, and perfect weather, it was a dream city to settle in. Sadly (for some), those days are long gone. Nowadays San Diego is a metropolis with traffic that is sometimes like that of LA! Living in a metropolis undoubtedly adds to everyone’s stress level: The pace is fast, the competition is steep (try renting a room or buying a house!). To ease the stress, to learn some helpful coping skills, and to receive support, you may wish turn to therapy. But how would you find the right therapist for you in a big city like San Diego?

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